You might be surprised what Karen had as her ringtone back in the day. Take a listen. Not only will you learn what that tune is, you’ll …
Doo doo doo doo doo feelin’ groovy! Picking up where we left off last time, we’re digging into the emotional intelligence skill of Opti …
Where have all the unicorns gone? Spoiler alert: Optimism (the focus of this episode) is more than unicorns and rainbows. It’s a choice …
Time to put the exclamation point on the topic of social responsibility for this month, coaches and friends. Are you connecting the dot …
What could the late Princess of Wales have taught you as a coach? Why was the world so touched by someone who could have been seen as h …
It’s important to remember, as coaches, that social responsibility is not just about “charity.” Social responsibility– whether at home …
As coaches, are we asking our clients to think beyond themselves? Are we asking ourselves to do the same? Do we look to the greater goo …
Empathy. Stop the sad conga line. It’s not a pity party. It’s about acknowledgment, understanding, and expression. In this episode, we …
We pulled even more amazing insight from Karen’s niece Jacqueline who is wrapping up her time with KickStart Your Edge. Jacqueline shar …