Every single thing that has been created by humans has been created with a thought in someone’s brain first. If you don’t think on purp …
Since the beginning of time, our brains have been wired to seek comfort, find food, connection and keep ourselves alive. In today’s wor …
Plot twist: To live a results-based life requires putting what you already have at risk for something bigger, something better, somethi …
It is time to Master A Play to Win Mindset. As we take a pivot with our podcast, you will get the inside-out approach to KickStart Your …
It is time to Master A Play to Win Mindset. As we take a pivot with our podcast, you will get the inside-out approach to KickStart Your …
So often we measure our success based on comparing ourselves with others. Knock it off. Success is an inside job. You get to define it. …
Your mindset about success determines your relationship with it. What does success mean to you? How do you interact with success? How d …
The more you are willing to fail, the more confidence you have. It takes confidence to take risks. Confidence that you can handle the f …
To get to where you are capable of going there will be failure all along the way. Thank goodness! The more failure, the more we put our …