Time to put the exclamation point on the topic of social responsibility for this month, coaches and friends. Are you connecting the dots for your clients when it comes to social responsibility? It’s about committing to setting specific goals, building relationships, and caring for others. In this episode, we’re focused on increasing our social responsibility through the EQ-i 2.0 subscales of self-actualization, interpersonal relationships, and empathy. The ripple effect continues.
Social Responsibility: The Lady Di Phenomenon
What could the late Princess of Wales have taught you as a coach? Why was the world so touched by someone who could have been seen as having it all? Well, she rocked social responsibility. This episode is about how you can develop the social responsibility aspect of your emotional intelligence with tips on how to use the power of observation, how to learn from others who care, how to use great questions, and how to take action.
Social Responsibility: The Treadmill Rule
It’s important to remember, as coaches, that social responsibility is not just about “charity.” Social responsibility– whether at home, on the playground, around the conference table, at the food pantry, OR at the gym– means caring about the welfare of other people. It’s a sign you’ve tapped into the superpower that is emotional intelligence. In this episode, Jenn shares a recent story about an experience on the treadmill that illustrates the concept in a way you might not expect.
Social Responsibility: The Ripple Effect
As coaches, are we asking our clients to think beyond themselves? Are we asking ourselves to do the same? Do we look to the greater good? Does social responsibility feel inconvenient? In this episode, we’re getting real around the concept of social responsibility. It’s the aspect of emotional intelligence asking us to understand the impact of our actions on our team, our company, and society as a whole … the ripple effect.
The password is … Empathy
Empathy. Stop the sad conga line. It’s not a pity party. It’s about acknowledgment, understanding, and expression. In this episode, we break it down by sharing insights from a coaching perspective. We share where empathy can be a game-changer in relationships at home and at work. And guess what? You can develop empathy! We wrap up with a bunch of great coaching questions ready to go!
Insights from the Amazing Intern
We pulled even more amazing insight from Karen’s niece Jacqueline who is wrapping up her time with KickStart Your Edge. Jacqueline shares more about what the EQ-i 2.0 assessment of emotional intelligence has brought to light for her. She has a new perspective now on relationships—most importantly—with herself (despite being only 17!). Then … dun dun dun … we ask her what she’s going to work on moving forward. This is super insightful stuff no matter how old you are.
A Bit About T-FAR
Karen’s niece Jacqueline is back! She’s sharing more of the insight she’s taking away from working with KickStart Your Edge–T-FAR in particular. Jacqueline thinks everyone in the world needs to know this stuff! Why? T-FAR (your thoughts, feelings, actions, and results) is the foundation for how we run our lives—good and bad. Jacqueline walks us through her understanding of it with her real-life example. And we break it down … you know … like coaches do.
Your Brain: Left vs. Right
Left brain. Right brain. Structure and common sense vs. creativity and big picture. With our special guest (and Karen’s niece) Jacqueline, we’re talking about understanding left vs. right, where our strengths lie, and how to exercise the “other side.” We’ll also share how relying too much on one side of the noggin can keep taking you down a bad path and why there’s a huge benefit to coming at tough situations with the WHOLE brain.
Interpersonal Relationships: One Size Fits None
Pulling the right emotional intelligence strings when it comes to Interpersonal Relationships is not a one-size-fits-all operation. You’ve got to size up the who and the what… and a host of other w’s before fitting the situation with the best EQ subscale for the job. In this episode, Jenn poses a question and Karen’s answer provides great insight into the interplay of all elements of EQ with examples instead of textbook definitions.