A simple message on a greeting card is what kicks off this episode on Interpersonal Relationships. We’re talking about how our personal relationship is based on fun and how we show up. We don’t take ourselves too seriously and we don’t live in fear. What fun is that? Listen and ask yourself whether you could give that card to someone and how your emotional intelligence could impact your answer.
Interpersonal Relationships: Inspiring Better Connection
Hey Rockstar! Relationships are all about how you make someone feel. And as it turns out, making someone feel special strengthens relationships (you don’t say?!). But what does that look like? In this episode, Jenn shares a story about Karen’s crazy strong ability to make people feel connected and inspired with some seriously high emotional intelligence).
Interpersonal Relationships: What Makes Us Work?
What is it like for us to work together and be married? What makes it work? Nope … magic ain’t it. We keep intentions top of mind. We divide and conquer based on our strengths. We embrace the ebb and flow. This episode puts emotional intelligence (Interpersonal Relationships) under the microscope with our real life as the sample.
Interpersonal Relationships: Going Deep into Connection
Cannonball!!! We’re heading back into the deep end of the Emotional Intelligence pool, talking about how to coach around Interpersonal Relationships. It’s time. People need deeper connection beyond Zoom. In this episode, we have key questions for you as a person and a coach.
Are You Effin’ Tired? No Wonder We’re Emotional
Watching the ball drop on December 31, 2019, who could have predicted the year ahead? Why didn’t Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen warn us?!
Hordes of people packed into Times Square to celebrate the start of our next journey around the sun (Can you even imagine being that close to anyone anymore?!).
Those happy revelers were (like most of us) oblivious of what was to come.
Accountability: When it Goes AWOL
What gets in the way of the results you want? When it comes to accountability, it might be the big “E” word (excuses), confusion, and other B.S. In this episode, Jenn and Karen talk about why and how commitment and accountability get replaced by all this B.S. and put the kibosh on high-performing teams. Learn how to work through this, and coach our clients and teams around accountability when it goes AWOL.
Accountability: The 6 Parts of Intrinsic Motivation
What do IKEA cabinets have to do with accountability? Well … it’s about the tools, people. Got your Allen wrench handy? Listen up coaches, in this episode, Jenn and Karen walk through (although we might say run) the pieces of accountability. This is going to be a framework (ooooh sounds serious) for accountability with teams. And if we want to get tactical, it sets up your checklist. And in the end, remember … “If it is to be, it’s up to me!” (*Insert eyeroll)
Accountability: Redefining the Concept
What does accountability mean to you? To your team? What does it even mean? As Karen will tell you, the dictionary falls flat on its face when defining accountability. But have no fear! In this episode, Jenn and Karen fill in the blanks, giving the concept great coaching context and beyond. Accountability is tied to relationships, alignment, and expectations. Listen in and try to get beyond Jenn’s knock-knock joke.
Accountability: The Unwritten Requirement
Ready to hold up your end of the bargain, people? Accountability is that unwritten part of every job description (and we’re talking at work and at home). It’s the part that has a hella-impact on results. Every. Single. Time. In this first in a month-long series, Jenn and Karen peel back the layers of accountability and pose some great questions for yourself, your clients, your team, and your coaching. Here’s a hint: it starts with you!