Change happens. All. The. Time. We dive into the importance of focusing on making a difference instead of dwelling on what’s not working or feeling like a victim. Mastering change in an organization is a sign of true leadership.
Play to Win
by Jenn Barley
Change happens. All. The. Time. We dive into the importance of focusing on making a difference instead of dwelling on what’s not working or feeling like a victim. Mastering change in an organization is a sign of true leadership.
by Jenn Barley
When you start to respect yourself and find your passion, the impact you make grows tenfold. Hulu’s The Bear, Season 2, is filled with self-respect, passion, and really making a difference. Are you finding purpose in your work? What kind of impact could you be making? Learn a lesson from Richie. Because he’s wearing suits now.
by Jenn Barley
Last week the US celebrated Independence Day, which is all about Freedom. What’s your perspective on Freedom? Some believe that more freedoms are being offered, while others feel they’re being taken away. What’s the difference between independence and freedom? What does freedom mean to you? How important is autonomy? Join Jenn and Karen as they ask the questions that will have you reflecting on what it all means to you.
by Jenn Barley
A great exercise that helps generate your creativity and imagination is: I like… I like… I wonder…. Stop your black and white thinking and start to get curious. I wonder what might be possible. Learn all the details in this short episode.
by Jenn Barley
Setting a goal isn’t enough. Goals aren’t about the results, they are about the experience. Are you just checking the boxes to get by or are you going above and beyond? When you step up your game, how do you influence others? It’s time to go the extra mile.
by Jenn Barley
Small minds and weak people kill dreams. Who is in your foxhole (aka: inner circle)? How do they help you grow and stretch and keep you focused on where you say you want to go? It’s time to evaluate your selection process.
by Jenn Barley
It only takes one second to make a decision. Time to challenge your thinking and make sure it is a dialogue instead of a monologue. Your mental game can win out over the emotional game in the moment.
by Jenn Barley
If you aren’t getting any traction, growth, or movement – you might want to look at what emotions are keeping you stuck. Overwhelm, confusion, and comfort are reasons why we don’t get the momentum that we need. It’s time to stop playing small and go after what we want in life.
by Jenn Barley
When we work with teams, the teams who have a high degree of trust perform better. Work moves faster, the results are better, and people are more engaged. There are two components of trust that will have you question, which one is more important to me?