One tiny tweak is all it takes. Say what? Yes! A simple mindset shift can leave you inspired instead of dreading what’s to come. In thi …
Have you looked around? Since we are in the space of social distancing, perhaps it’s time to give your social circle a no B.S. assessme …
Hey, children what’s that sound? … What’s that nagging, self-doubting noise rattling around up there in your head? Oh yeah … that’s YOU …
In this episode, Jenn and Karen give you the skinny and the scoop on three ways to approach the issue of confidence with your clients. …
How confident are you as a coach? Is it unconditional or situation? It is only when your client has an a-ha? Do you feel confident if y …
Going below the surface of the Inner Critic, this episode is all about how to coach clients to see what’s holding them back. Jenn and K …
Fear is an illusion. Sure, if you are in physical danger, fear is real. However, the fear of failure, the fear of success, the fear of …
A follow-up to The Voice in Your Head is an A-Hole, this episode focuses on the origin of your Inner Critic—why it came about and what …
What is the Inner Critic all about? How does it show up in your life? How does it show up for your clients and what is it keeping them …