Your mindset about failure determines your relationship with it. What does failure mean to you? How do you interact with failure? Where do you avoid it? Where do you gravitate to it? You get to determine what you want your relationship with failure to be.
Break the rules
“This game is rigged. And it does not reward people who play by the rules. You either got to stand in the corner or get in the ring.” Ramona, from Hustlers. What rules do you need to let go of so your game isn’t rigged? Find the ones that work FOR you vs. the ones your parents, society, etc. say you should follow. It’s time to get in the ring.
Why we fall.
“Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up.”
Batman got this one right. Are you willing to stumble, trip and fall to really get to know what you are made of? This is what life is all about because falling isn’t the same as failing.
If it makes you happy, then why are you so sad?
“If it makes you happy, then why are you so sad?”
Sheryl Crow’s documentary Sheryl shares how even though Sheryl sold millions of records it didn’t necessarily make her happy. More times than not, people imagine once they get to a “destination” then they’ll be happy. Get out of the milestone moments and start to focus on what really matters.
I don’t need easy. I just need possible.
“I don’t need easy, I just need possible.” Ninja Warrior contestant. Self-inflicted limitations will often get in our way. The question is, are you willing to open the door to possibility even when it isn’t going to be easy?
Stop Chasing Happy
Guess what? You have the power to choose happy. Listen to how it’s possible to just make that decision for yourself in this episode. Forget yesterday. It’s okay that you weren’t happy yesterday. You can be somebody different today. It can change in a moment—and you don’t need a plan. What can you decide now about yourself?
All-Purpose Decision Making
What does Formula 409 have to do with decision making? Find out in this episode where we’re talking about taking action—flippin’ trying stuff and maybe even failing!—versus that ugly ass habit of overthinking (you know, the thing that’s keeping you from living your best life). Here’s a hint: make the decision, THEN make the decision right.
Decision Making: The Rabbit Hole
Are you going to take the red pill or the blue pill? Jenn finally figures out the Matrix – and she’s staying in Wonderland. WTF? Well, this episode is about how decision making says so much about you and what could be in your life. You can change IF you’re willing. P.S. If you’re late to the Matrix party, there’s a spoiler in here.
Decision Making: On the fence?
One of us bought a house in twenty minutes because that’s just how she rolls. Not everybody can make that decision—sometimes we hang out on the fence, asking ourselves questions that keep us there—self-sabotage much? In this episode, we’re talking about putting decisions in perspective and what’s getting in the way.